Our lady and
St John the Baptist
Church Mass Times
in Ellon

Our New mass Times for 2025
Week Day Masses 10:00am Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.
Saturday 18:00pm
Sunday 10:30am
At Our Lady and St John the Baptist
Click here for Youtube Masses Saturday and Sunday also online

Easter Ceremonies 2024
Chrism Mass: Thursday, 21st March: 6:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral Aberdeen
Maundy Thursday, 28th March 7.00pm followed by Commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers
Good Friday, 29th March: 3:00pm
Easter Vigil, Saturday, 30th March:8:30pm
Easter Sunday, 31st March: 10:00am
Saturday, (30th), 8:30pm: Vigil Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection: Year B: Intentions of Gerry and Kevin Higgins
Sunday, (31st), 10:00am: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: Pro Populo:
Tuesday, (2nd), 10:00am: Easter Tuesday: Frs. Gerry Kelly and Brendan Garrick
Wednesday: (3rd),10:00am: Easter Wednesday: Intentions of Ann Still
Friday, (5th), 10:00am: Easter Friday: Lambert Udoma RIP
Saturday, (6th), 6:00pm: Vigil Mass of the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy): Intentions of Agnes McConnachie

Our Lady and St John the Baptist RC Church
Christmas Services

Christmas Masses and Services Times 2023
Our Lady and St John the Baptist, Ellon:
Service of Reconciliation and Confessions at Our Lady and St John the Baptist, Ellon: 19th December: 6:30pm
Service of Reconciliation and Confessions at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fraserburgh: 20th December: 6:30pm
Christmas Eve Mass: 9:00pm beginning with Christmas Carols at 8:30pm.
Christmas Day Mass: 10:30am
St Columba, Bridge of Don:
Service of Reconciliation and Confessions at St Mary’s Cathedral: Wednesday 20th December: 7:00pm
Christmas Eve Mass: 7:00pm beginning with Christmas Carols at 6:30pm.
Christmas Day Mass: 9:00am No Evening Mass on Christmas Day.