Latest News

Our Lady and St John the Baptist, a congregation in Ellon, Aberdeenshire, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community spreading peace, hope and comfort.
3 Union Street, Ellon AB41 9BA
(01358) 724580
Parish Priest
Fr Patrick (BD, PGDE, MA, MA, PhD)
St Columba's Bridge of Don Sunday 9:30am.
Ellon Saturday 6:00pm Sunday Mass: 11:30am and Midweek Masses: Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday: 10:00am
Livestreamed: Friday 11:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ending with Benediction.
Important changes to the way you can make your Church Collections
information on the Donate page
Zoom Parish Concerts 2020
For the month of December on the
The guided Lectio Divina 1hr Zoom:
Tuesday 8th 7:30pm or Thursday 2pm.
The Cathedral Register Online:
21st December 7pm.
St Columba's Culloden Register Online:
21st December 7pm
The Ogilvie Centre is offering a few opportunities for faith-development during these days:
Guided Advent Lectio Divina
Prepare spiritually for Christmas by joining Manquehue members Cristobal Valdes and Rebecca Blakey in a one-hour guided reading of the Gospel narrative of the Annunciation.
Tuesday December 8, 2020
7:30pm on Zoom
Thursday December 10, 2020
2:00pm on Zoom
Never heard of the Manquehue Movement? You can find out more information here.
Genesis to Jesus Bible Study
The Ogilvie Centre will be offering this excellent bible study course over Zoom for free beginning in the new year. Seven sessions will run from the first week of January through mid-February. Please click here for information about the study. Those who email interest will be sent details later in December.
Starting Up Again in the New Year
If you and your catechetical team are planning on starting up sacramental prep in the new year and want any help in thinking about government regulations, appropriate activities, etc. just shoot us an email and we are happy to help in any way we can!
Catholic Distance University
Resolving in the New Year to learn more about our faith? Remember the wonderful low-cost resource we subsidize through Catholic Distance University. You can earn non-credit certificates in a number of areas of study, or simply take a course of interest. Our subsidy code CDU17ABERDEEN allows you to take a module for $30. Click here for more details and scroll to the Aberdeen, Scotland tab.
Please email ogilvie@rcda.scot to register for any of the opportunities mentioned in this email!
God bless you and yours!
Sr Anna Christi, OP
RC Dicoese of Aberdeen Ogilvie Centre
Treasurer's Report
Sheila explained the problem of the weekly offerings, when the collection is counted the envelopes would have the amount of the donation written on them.
These envelopes then have to be retained for 7 years for HMRC gift aid purposes.
During the time the Church has been closed, some of these offerings are being paid directly into the Church’s bank account and the envelopes discarded.
We should advise parishioners to hand in their next envelopes to the church with the amount paid into the bank written on them.
A Parish of the RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust
A registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122