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The Bible and the Sacraments

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Stations of the Cross

Ash Wednesday

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Dear Priests and Catechists,


A blessed Lent from the Ogilvie Centre!

Just wanted to share a few resources with you this Lent, to share with your parishioners or families you work with:


Bishop Hugh and the Kerygma

Bishop Hugh will be offering 5 homilies on the 5 basic points of the Christian kerygma at the 11am Mass livestreamed on Sundays from St Mary's. Here's a link to the first one:


Scottish Bishop's Conference Lenten Resource

This excellent resource will give you links and ideas to make it a great Lent.


St Paul Center Course: Bible and the Mass Free for Lent

Scott Hahn leads this beautiful and insightful video series. It will be available after Lent for a considerable price, but during Lent, you can access the videos free. I've begun to listen and can't more highly recommend the approximately 20 minutes you spend on each lesson!!

Catholic Distance University

During Lent and Easter, why not earn a certificate in Old or New Testament or another area of interest? Lent is also a good time to focus on earning a catechist certificate for new catechists:

With our diocesan discount, each module costs only around £30. Email Sr Anna Christi at to obtain the diocesan discount code.

God bless you!
Sr Anna Christi, OP
RC Diocese of Aberdeen Ogilvie Centre for New Evangelization and Catechesis  All rights reserved

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A Parish of the RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust. A registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122

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