About Us
Our Lady and St John the Baptist welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love. The church was originally started in a room in the centre of Ellon the 1960s. The New church was rebuilt in the 1990s and attached to the existing presbytery.
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in Ellon. We are a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.
Our current Priest is Fr Patrick who takes care of our Spiritual needs!
This was taken from an pamphlet made up in Dec 2005, copies are available at the back of the church.
In 1932 Victoria Igrams became a Catholic. As her father and Grandfather belonged to Ellon, She was accustomed to spending family holidays during the summer at The Chestnuts - her Grandfather's home.
As the family had no car and Sunday buses ran at impossible times, Victoria found she was unable to attend Mass in Aberdeen; however, with all the zeal of an convert, she set about finding some way to rectify this.
...I spotted a window in the square with a To Let notice in it. It belonged to Mitchell & Rae who had their office next door. I enquired about it, and found that it was a small room with its own door onto the street - rent £ 10 p.a. I consulted with the other Catholics in Ellon, who were not exactly enthusiastic, still they did cautiously back the idea, and I took the plunge and rented the room.
The next thing was to paint and furnish the room, and to find a priest who would be willing to say mass for us.
Col. Walters Wolrigde Gordon (a Catholic convert) heard of our plan, and provided £20.00 which was used to purchase 12 chairs and kneelers.
Still to update!